Black Salt Audio – Reviver: Instantly Add Punch, Power, and Clarity to Any Mix!


The BSA Reviver is a powerful audio tool that allows you to effortlessly enhance the quality and impact of your mixes. Unlike traditional equalizers or compressors, it utilizes a unique flat-summing multi-band splitter that effectively separates the frequency spectrum into low, mid, and high bands. Each band is then processed independently with precisely calibrated detection circuits and processes that are perfectly designed for their respective frequency ranges.

Power and Punch for Your Transients

The BSA Reviver excels at enhancing the punch, power, and impact of low frequencies with its dedicated bass module. By intelligently isolating the transient elements within the low-end range, it allows you to add that extra oomph and weight to your mix without compromising the overall balance. Whether you're working on a bass-heavy track or aiming to give your kicks and snares more presence, the bass module of the BSA Reviver is a game-changer.

Moving on to the midrange module, it offers a unique way to enhance the depth and presence of this critical frequency range. Whether you're dealing with vocals, guitars, or synths, the BSA Reviver's midrange module provides the necessary tools to make these elements shine in your mix. With precise control over the harmonic content and dynamic response, you can achieve a level of detail and clarity that takes your mix from good to exceptional.

Last but not least, the BSA Reviver's treble module focuses on improving the clarity and definition of high frequencies. This is particularly useful when working with cymbals, hi-hats, and other high-end elements in your mix. By delicately shaping the harmonics and optimizing the transient response, you can achieve a natural and open top-end that cuts through the mix without sounding harsh or fatiguing.

Harmonics for Extra Warmth

One of the standout features of the BSA Reviver is its advanced harmonic processing capabilities. It incorporates three different even saturation algorithms that intelligently add presence and warmth to any sound material. These saturation algorithms have been meticulously designed to enhance the tonal quality of your source material without introducing unwanted distortion or noise.

Whether you're aiming to add some vintage character to a vocal track or give a dull guitar recording some extra life, the BSA Reviver's harmonic processing will help you achieve the desired warmth and richness. With easy-to-use controls and real-time monitoring, you have complete control over the amount and intensity of the harmonic saturation to ensure it complements your mix perfectly.

How to Register?

To unleash the full potential of the BSA Reviver, follow these simple steps to register your copy:

  1. Uninstall any previous versions of the software to ensure a clean installation process.

  2. Launch the Task Manager on your computer and check if the file "FoodstampsIpcServer.exe" is running. If it is, end the process to prevent any conflicts during installation.

  3. Block access to the following addresses: and This step ensures a smooth and uninterrupted registration process.

  4. Run the setup file provided by Black Salt Audio and follow the on-screen instructions to install the BSA Reviver plugin.

  5. Once the installation is complete, launch the plugin in your preferred digital audio workstation.

  6. Click on the "Activate License" button within the plugin interface.

  7. Select the option "Click here for offline activation." In some cases, you might need to scroll down within the activation dialog to locate this option.

  8. The offline activation process will begin. Click on "Generate Machine File" to generate a unique *.yml file.

  9. Run the provided keygen tool and enter your name.

  10. Click on "Generate" and upload the generated *.yml file within the keygen tool.

  11. Save the resulting *.ylf license file that is generated by the keygen tool.

  12. Finally, download the *.ylf License File from the plugin and load it into the BSA Reviver. If nothing happens after uploading the file, simply reload the plugin. This issue might occur if the "FoodstampsIpcServer.exe" file is blocked on your computer.

  13. Once you have successfully generated a license file, you can use it across multiple instances of the BSA Reviver plugin. This means that if the trick works with a legal version, you can purchase one license and enjoy all the benefits across your projects.

OpenGL Settings (Optional)

For those seeking an enhanced graphical user interface (GUI) experience, the BSA Reviver allows you to enable OpenGL rendering. Follow these steps to make use of this optional feature:

  1. Open the "gl" file in a text editor. You can find it at %APPDATA%\Application Support\Yum Audio\Global Settings\gl.

  2. Locate the line that states the value "0".

  3. Change the value from "0" to "1" to enable OpenGL for GUI rendering.

  4. Save the file and relaunch the BSA Reviver plugin.

With OpenGL enabled, you can enjoy smoother graphics and a visually pleasing experience while using the BSA Reviver plugin.

Perplexity, Burstiness, and Predictability: Crafting Captivating Content

Creating compelling content that captivates your audience requires careful attention to three important factors: perplexity, burstiness, and predictability. By incorporating these elements into your writing, you can ensure that your article stands out and engages readers in a meaningful way.

Perplexity: Offering Unexpected Insights

To avoid clichés and deliver fresh perspectives, it's essential to offer unexpected insights in your content. When discussing the BSA Reviver, dive deep into its unique features, such as the flat-summing multi-band splitter and the three even saturation algorithms. By highlighting how these features distinguish the plugin from its counterparts, you pique readers' interest and provide them with valuable knowledge that they may not find elsewhere.

Burstiness: Balancing Language Use

To maintain readers' engagement, it's vital to balance language use and avoid repetitive phrases. As you describe the various functionalities of the BSA Reviver, ensure that your language is diverse and varied. Rather than repeatedly using the same terms, explore synonyms and alternative expressions that convey the same meaning. This burstiness in language keeps readers intrigued and prevents them from feeling like they're reading a generic article.

Predictability: Upholding Clarity and Convention

While creativity is essential, it's equally important to uphold clarity and convention when providing informational content. When explaining the registration process or discussing the different modules of the BSA Reviver, use a clear and concise language pattern that readers can easily follow. Following grammatical norms and natural language patterns ensures that your content is easy to understand and helps readers retain the information presented.

Adding a Human Touch: Personalization and Unique Stylistic Elements

To infuse a genuine human element into your article and create a unique voice, consider incorporating personal anecdotes, subjective opinions, and even hypothetical experiences related to the BSA Reviver. Share your personal experiences while using the plugin and how it has elevated your own mixes. This personalization adds authenticity and connects with readers on a deeper level.

Additionally, feel free to drop in some humor or quirky analogies throughout the article. This helps create a memorable and unique voice, making the content more enjoyable to read. As you discuss the BSA Reviver's features, consider using metaphors or comparisons that make the descriptions more vivid and relatable.


The BSA Reviver is a remarkable audio tool that empowers you to effortlessly enhance the quality and impact of your mixes. With its distinct processing capabilities, including the flat-summing multi-band splitter, dedicated modules for bass, midrange, and treble, as well as advanced harmonic processing, the BSA Reviver offers an exceptional level of control and sonic enhancement.

By following the outlined registration process, you can unlock the full potential of the BSA Reviver and enjoy its powerful features across your projects. Remember to embrace perplexity, burstiness, and predictability in your content, and infuse it with personalization and unique stylistic elements to create a memorable and engaging reading experience.

With the BSA Reviver by your side, you'll have the ability to instantly add punch, power, and clarity to any mix, taking your audio productions to new heights.

                                                Black Salt Audio – Reviver